Cupid has been separated from his bow it is lost in a maze of clouds. Find Cupid's Bow and at least 5 of each of his arrows. Then find the Door out.

Game for Game Jam  GDevelop Game Jam #3 -

Game By

 Solvemanke Entertainment

Art by 

 Solvemanke Entertainment

 @Talonerd: (Cupid & Bow)

Door by Gdevelop from Asset Store

Music and Sounds from Asset Store


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(1 edit)

I forgot to list Kenney's creature mixer for the mobs... Creature Mixer by Kenney (

HeartBreaker: Cupid's Misadventure | Play on   the Liluo link

Great work, it looks adorable.

thank you.  I was worried as the plans for the game fell apart.. darn bugs. Had to remake.